Posted: July 14, 2010
Campaigners have flown to the United Arab Emirates to support a group of Indian men who have been sentenced to death.
A delegation from Leicester-based Sharjah Prisoners Justice Group has travelled to the Middle East state to attend an appeal court hearing for the 17 men in Dubai today.
The men – all immigrants to the UAE from India’s Punjab region – were arrested following a fight in Sharjah in January last year in which a Pakistani man was killed.
They were tried, convicted and sentenced to death. Campaigners are concerned they did not get a fair trial.
Groups including Amnesty International and Lawyers For Human Rights said the 17, who are aged 21 to 25, were tortured into making confessions.
More than 5,000 people have signed a petition against the death sentences.
Public meetings have been held and MPs, including Leicester East’s Keith Vaz and Harborough MP and Solicitor General Edward Garnier, have been lobbied to get the Foreign Office to help the men.
Sital Singh Gill, general secretary of Leicestershire Indian Workers’ Association, is leading the delegation.
He said: “Our aim in going to the UAE is to support these men. It is our belief that at least the majority of them are innocent.
“We think they were arrested by the police simply because they were immigrant workers.
“They did not get a fair trial. They were appointed a local lawyer who did not speak their language and so could not represent them.”
Mr Singh Gill said they hoped to speak to the detainees, hire translators and legal representation and plead their case before government officials.
They also hope to meet representatives of the Indian High Commission in Dubai
Leicester city councillor Parmjit Singh Gill and Kashmir Singh, an elder from the Sikh temple in East Park Road, are also part of the team.
The trip is being funded through donations from Sikh temples across Leicestershire.
Councillor Singh Gill said: “Our objective is to get the full background to the case, first-hand.
“This will help us understand how the case is being handled, what has taken place and if the 17 have been given a fair and just trial.
“Also, we want to establish if they have been tortured during their detention and if any articles of the Sikh faith were desecrated at any point.
“We can then decide how best to proceed on our return.
“Our belief is that whatever the outcome of the appeal these men should not be threatened with death.”
He said he was not sure how long the appeal – starting today – would last but that the group would return on Monday.
Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International’s deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa, said: “This is a mockery of justice.
“Amnesty International is calling on the UAE authorities to investigate the allegations of torture and abuse and to ensure the 17 men receive a fair trial on appeal.
“They must be protected from further torture and other ill-treatment, and any evidence obtained using such methods should not be used in court.”
Should the men lose the appeal it is understood they will face execution by firing squad.
The Mercury got no response from the Ministry of Justice in Dubai.
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