IWAGB’s recent letter to the British Government, urging them to arrange for the safe return of British citizens and residents stranded in India due to the COVID-19 lockdown has led to the action by the Foreign Office. The British Foreign Office has chartered 12 additional flights this week in order to bring back around 3,000 individuals stranded in India. We are extremely thankful to the British Government for acting quickly and urge them to continue to monitor the repatriation effort so everyone is returned safely.
Coverage of our call to the Government has been widespread, receiving support from M.P. Claudia Webbe on Twitter (below), as well as reports in Local and National Media.
Leicester Mercury reported on how IWAGB has been “working with local and national authorities to arrange for people to be brought back to the UK”. https://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/news/leicester-news/stranded-locked-down-india-british-4028585

We also received coverage from Ajit and Sikh Channel UK found below:

Details of the flight charter can be found at this link: https://etm.eventsair.com/uk-government-charter-india/fco-744-amritsar-charter/Site/Register
We urge anyone affected by the crisis to stay safe, get in contact with us and keep checking travel advice with the British Foreign office: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/india